Clover lawn round #2 - Dutch white clover and sweet allysum

After our first attempt to seed the lawn with microclover were less than successful, I decided to switch to standard Dutch White Clover seed. The OSC website states, it is "robust, adaptive, drought resistant and somewhat shade tolerant", so it should have no trouble with the clay in our yard.

Dutch White Clover seed is also significantly less expensive than microclover seed. For comparison, Dutch White Clover is $11.00/500 grams which works out to $0.55/25grams. Microclover is $8.95/25 g, about 16 times more. 

I also decided to add some Sweet Alyssum to the lawn after reading about Fleur de Lawn, an environmentally friendly flowering lawn mix developed with Oregon State University. Along with a number of other species, they included Sweet Alyssum in their mix. To jump start things, I planted 32 small Alyssum plants along the walkway where the clover was having trouble getting started.

Dutch White Clover and Sweet Alyssum.
July 1, 2017 - Dutch White Clover and Sweet Alyssum.

The clover seeds sprouted within a day or two and after the first week the density of clover seedlings is quite high. They seem to be growing more quickly than the Microclover, but it is tough to be sure. 

Cat in dutch white clover
July 1, 2017 - Zsa Zsa in the clover.

The white Alyssum I planted this year should self seed and come up again the spring. Alyssum comes in a whole range of other colours so, if it looks nice with the clover, I'll add in more colours by seed next year, and maybe some other low growing "mowable" flowers as well.


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